Elysian Lily

Leviathan | Primal


Age 26
Gender Cis Female [She/They]
Sexuality Pansexual
Relationship Status Single [Poly]

Elysian isn't much of a mystery to those who inquire. She's always rather open about growing up in the outskirts of Gridana and having learned to hunt with a bow from a surprisingly young age. The woods were her home, though she spent many years daydreaming in the trees about adventuring out into the horizon.Years later, she made that dream a reality. Ely worked as a mercenary for a few years all over Eorzea and learning a multitude of trades before, very suddenly, retiring just before Ala Mhigo freed itself from Garlean control. She spent the next couple years settling back in the Black Shroud, helping out the Adders where needed with beasts and monstrosities alike.It wasn't until relatively recently, with the sudden saviour of the star appearing, that she has rekindled her wanderlust; following the trail to Tural and exploring to her heart's content. On occasion, she jumps in to help fell a beast for gil, but her primary objective is to see and experience everything she can on the Source—and learn how to venture to these other shards she's been hearing about.However, despite that, Elysian can't help but submit to her desire to make new friends. She's always happy to talk about anything and learn whatever is thrown her way. Ely isn't one to approach new people (being surprisingly shy) unless driven to extreme circumstances (whether it be the more lighthearted option of boredom or more serious topics that require intervention), however, she's happy to respond to just about anything. She's known to be a flirt with a heart of gold, and willing to do anything for those she cherishes; so, will you become one of that lucky group?

og backstory/about

Elysian grew up on the outskirts of Gridania, raised by a single mother. They were never well off and she had to work at a young age to make sure they got by, which led to her learning how to hunt with a bow and dagger. Her childhood was spent working hard to help her mother make ends meet. Many times she'd get caught daydreaming in the woods, dragging her feet back home after hunting, wondering what it'd be like to travel, go on grand adventures, and maybe even find her father.Not long after Elysian's 18th birthday, her mother passed and the last bastion keeping her in Gridana was gone. Having never left the Black Shroud before, she took this chance to begin life as an adventurer and see the greater world. Elysian learned many things on her travels (mending wounds, how to handle a handful of other weapons, and the most important lesson: how to interact with others), barely skirting by with the gil she made. It was during this time that she found her clan near the border of Gyr Abania and met her father. She has long since learnt that he was unreliable, though decided to keep contact with him—and the half siblings she met.Elysian also learned what she was capable of. Her entire life had been spent hunting animals and monsters out of necessity: that was easy. The moment a humanoid stepped into view, however, her aim always seemed to falter. The first few years of her service as a hired hand, those arrows never truly needed to hit their marks—but after five years, she hesitated and missed what she considers the most important shot of her life. She never speaks about what happened that day, but soon after she retired and moved back to Gridania.It took her two years to get back out there, which is where we are now. During those two years, she spent focused on helping the people of the Black Shroud and getting settled in Lavender Beds with her new adventurer status. Within the past year, however, she has been stepping back out; following trails she never had before, journeying to distant lands to meet and learn all about different cultures and people. She doesn't take too many mercenary jobs at this point, but will happily aid in any hunt she's invited to (especially to fund her travels), and she still manages to fell beasts with relative, practiced ease. With this experience, her wanderlust only grows; never to be satiated, and very unlikely to settle again. While she may want to open her own establistment where people from any star can gather comfortably, her need for novelty can never make it a consistent experience. Mayhap one day, she will settle down with one of her partners once more but that day is in the distant past.

Chaotic is one way to describe Elysian. A gremlin with a heart of gold. Despite her nature to be rather loud in groups she's comfortable with, she's actually quite shy. She isn't one to approach and start a conversation typically, though she will happily (and probably, a bit flustered) contribute to one if someone steps up to her.Ely isn't one to take things sitting down, however; she's rather opinionated and likes to be heard. While she will do anything to help a friend, or even stranger, in need, she is fully able and willing to put her foot down once something crosses the line.Knowing that, she has a horrible habit of flirting with anything that glances her way. She doesn't particularly mean anything by it; she just finds the banter itself rather fun. If something comes of it? Well, she was blessed.Elysian is always looking for her next adventure. That leads her to wandering from place to place more oft than not. Sometimes that's to a random bar, or the streets of Limsa, or it's to a whole different continent; she follows where the wind blows, truly.Despite her surprisingly introverted nature, Ely is happy to go out even when feeling rather down. People watching is incredibly fun for her, and damned if she won't do it just to cheer herself up.Throughout her years, Elysian has taken on a more pacifistic stance on battle. While she happily can and will fight if pressed, she much prefers to keep everyone from harm through words alone.


Age 25
Gender Femme NB. AFAB. [They/Them]
Sexuality Panromantic Asexual

Name's Rae Lily. I've been roleplaying for about 15 years through forums and chatrooms and decided to step into the FFXIV RP community back in ShB. I left mid EW as I got busy with raiding and life, but I'm excited to try to step back in and see what awaits now. I'm always happy to find new long term RP partners!I'm rather shy, but happy to chat if you approach. Just come say hi! Send a tell or just say hi if you wish to RP.If you see Elysian as an Au'ra or Lala*, that's fine! I'm probably just having a bit of fun and it might last a bit but she'll always come back to being a Miqo'te, don't you worry!*Lala Ely is for wholesome time only.




Nightly and extended prices can be negotiated.

I am open to ERP, though typically I would prefer to RP a bit before and get our characters more acquainted if I am not being hired. Please note I do not tend to initiate.Elysian is a submissive bottom—she will not top or dom, please don't ask. Partners can be of any gender or race, however she is known to have a soft spot for catboys.KinklistFAVOURITES D/s, DDLG, impact play, spanking, restraints, rope play, blood play, sleep play, doll play, praise, name-calling, breeding
HARD LIMITS Bathroom, vore, underage, Lalas, public humiliation, attention deprivation/ignoring, "kitten", the insinuation of video/pictures being sent.
If the last two are brought up, the scene will end immediately.For any paid services, I have the right to refuse any specific scenes and end it if my boundaries are crossed without refund.Please ask before trying any sort of kink while roleplaying, with IC or OOC.